Does Google Search use SEO Scores?

In the ever-evolving landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), website owners and marketers often turn to various tools to assess the performance and effectiveness of their websites. One common question that arises is whether the scores provided by these SEO tools hold any critical importance in the eyes of Google. In this edition of “Ask Googlebot,” we delve into the intricacies of these scores and their relevance in the world of SEO.

Dissecting the Importance of Scores

John Mueller, a prominent voice at Google, addresses the query of whether SEO tool scores are a make-or-break factor in determining a website’s search visibility. He clarifies that Google does not rely on scores from third-party SEO tools or services when evaluating websites. Whether it’s a score indicating a website’s authority or one related to spamminess, Google remains indifferent to these scores.

Recognizing the Nuances

While the overarching notion might be that all SEO tool scores are devoid of value, this is not an absolute truth. Transparently calculated scores, when properly understood, can indeed offer insights into a website’s performance and possible areas of improvement. These scores can serve as a helpful guide to assess a website’s standing and identify real issues that might affect its user experience and search engine visibility.

  • Useful Estimations: Calculated scores, when based on a well-defined methodology, can provide a rough estimation of a website’s performance metrics.
  • Spotting Issues: These scores can assist in detecting specific issues that might go unnoticed but can impact user experience and search engine ranking.

An Example from Google’s Arsenal

To illustrate the concept, let’s turn to an example from Google itself. Chrome’s Lighthouse tool generates scores for websites, but these scores are not employed by Google’s search algorithms. Nonetheless, the transparency in how these scores are calculated makes them valuable for website owners.

The Lighthouse tool performs a battery of tests and evaluations, resulting in an overall score. This score can be a helpful yardstick to gauge a website’s performance in various aspects. For instance, it can highlight issues like anchor text being too short for optimal usability, problems that both users and search engines might encounter.

Emphasizing the Key Takeaway

In summary, Google does not factor in scores from third-party SEO tools or services when ranking websites in its search results. However, the usefulness of these scores should not be entirely dismissed. Transparently calculated scores can offer valuable insights into a website’s performance and potential areas of concern. Understanding the methodology behind such scores is essential in determining whether they can provide meaningful guidance for website optimization efforts.


As the world of SEO continues to evolve, it’s crucial for website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals to adopt a balanced perspective on the significance of SEO tool scores. While Google does not directly consider these scores, they can serve as valuable tools for self-assessment and improvement. The key lies in discerning the transparently calculated scores that align with the website’s goals and user experience objectives. By understanding the nuances of these scores, website owners can refine their strategies and enhance their digital presence in the competitive online landscape.