If you’ve ever thought about advertising on Facebook but are not sure how many people you’d reach, there’s an easy answer for that. All you need to do is log in to your Facebook business page, and then on the left-hand side look for this “Promote Local Business.” Right now it shows that my reach is about 59,000 people, but how far is that reach?

Well, by clicking on the button, you’ll get a little radius map right here and based on five miles, I’m going to reach about 68,000 people in the ages of 18 to 65-plus, all gender. If you change this to “Man” or you change the age group, this number will decrease. If you want to mark it to a larger audience, you can go ahead an go all the way up to 50 miles. Or if you want to go even larger than that or you want something in between 25 and 50, just click on “Custom,” and you’ll see exactly what your reach is.